Friday, April 17, 2020

Write And Distribute Your Press Release


If you have ever wondered why some products and services get huge media exposure while others are barely mentioned?

The fact that you have a fantastic Product, Business, Music, App, Art, or Book doesn't count as long as the public is not aware of it's existence. 

We know what makes an editor notice a Press Release, and we are ready to serve it to you.

Each and every industry has their particular signs while looking for newsworthy stories to run. All our writers have the journalistic touch and know what makes an editor pick up on your release. 

From fashion to start-ups, finance to health care - our experienced and professional press release writers understand what works and will create press releases to appeal to the media and connect with the target audiences. Our writers can maximize time and resources by incorporating their expertise with your raw thoughts and offer a media-ready story.

What do you get?

  • Option to include photos and videos
  • Creative writing
  • Catchy Titles and subtitles for your press release
  • Full report with every news outlet press release is distributed to.
  • Speedy delivery
  • Google News Indexed Guaranteed!


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