Saturday, April 4, 2020

Write A Press Release Or News Item For Your Law Firm Website


Press releases and/or news items on your website are critical for reaching and letting your target audience and clients know about your accomplishments, skills and services. But too often these pieces either are poorly written or not tailored to the right audience. And if they're written by someone not in (or experienced with) the legal industry, there's a risk that the pieces may violate legal ethics rules. No press release or news item is worth the trouble that can bring. So it's important that your press release or news item resonates with that group, demonstrates what sets you apart as an excellent service provider, and complies with legal ethics rules.

I am an attorney and have for many years been a legal marketing professional. In that capacity, I have written many press releases and news items for attorneys and law firms. In some cases, the pieces I wrote directly led to new clients and or work. I look forward to helping you reach your objectives.


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