Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Write Press Releases For Indie Musicians And Labels


I've worked with dozens of artists, labels, and recording studios, and your press release is often the exact copy that will appear on press sites and blogs.  So, this is your chance to tell the story of your project from your perspective before it hits the streaming platforms, blogs, and airwaves. As for your bio, this appears frequently not only in your press releases, but on Spotify, Apple Music, Bandcamp, and wherever your music or art lives. I can help you tell your story and build the language of your brand, as it will be read by listeners, promoters, and label owners alike. While the music is the most important element of your career, having well-written copy will help you cut through the professional side of the industry (even though we'd sometimes rather not consider). An artist myself, I'm always looking for creative ways to get my story across, and your press releases, biographies, and other written content are an extension of your art. 


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