Saturday, January 25, 2020

Make Press Releases Distribution


Press Releases are an extremely important and integral part of your marketing efforts. While there are many people out there that will write you a press release, there aren’t many that will do it properly. Writing a press release that is a media magnet is an acquired skill, and you can’t trust just anyone when your company’s name, reputation, and credibility is on the line.

We have years of experience in creating publicity attracting press releases. You will have access to the very same team of writers that we use for our own businesses and websites. We treat your press releases just as if they were our own. One thing to keep in mind is that a well-written press release is not an article or an advertisement – it should be something that is newsworthy and of interest to the media at large.

All press releases will be a minimum of 400 words, which is the industry standard, and are written with a journalistic and objective point of view. Press releases can be written for announcements such as a new website, product or service launch, anniversaries, business expansion, awards, etc – just remember it should be a newsworthy topic.


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