Saturday, January 18, 2020

Write Press Release On Fox, Cbs, Nbc, Abc, Affiliated Media


✔ We will write a 400+ words powerful press release about your product

service etc. It will be written by a US-based writer with Journalistic

background or Experience with PR firms.

✔ We will send the Press Release to you for approval before publishing.

✔ After Approval, we will Publish the Press Release to 300+ sites which

includes Digital Journal, ABC ,Fox, CBS, NBC, Daily Herald, AZcentral,

State Journal, Wall-street, IBtimes etc through their local affiliate

sites. We will also submit to TV, Radio, Newspapers, Local Media, Social Media sites etc.

✔ We will also send financial feeds of your PR which appear in tickers,

sidebars, news feeds etc on many sites like The Telegraph, Telegram, The

Sun etc. Please note that Financial Feeds doesn't appear directly on

sites. They appear on ticker, sidebar etc for some time only.

✔ We will send you a complete report with all the 300+ links where your PR is published.

Your Press release will be syndicated in thousands of sites in a short time which could result in huge exposure, awareness and increased traffic. You will get hundreds of backlinks and this could also result in instant boost in SEO.

We also Guarantee Google News Inclusion


: : : : :

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