Monday, December 21, 2020

Create Compelling Press Releases That Generates Results


All press releases are composed in a mix of traditional AP style and also to compete in today's social media culture. The goal is to compel the audience to become informed of your product or service and then to follow up with traditional or multi-media coverage. Visit my website and download my CV Card here at tanyavece (dot) com.

I write for media outlets and I owned my own PR company, which helps me to write for both actual media pick-up and to compete online with traditional keyword searches. 

You own all the content. I provide a draft and a revision.

I do offer a 14-day and 30-day content and publicity package. Additionally, I offer public relations consulting for those wanting to write their own content and media pitches.



Thanks. I have been CCd in some emails (for the pitch) but no results thus far and I have only been bcc'd into like 15 emails. I was expecting a wider reach. 500 or so media outlets. I doubt 15 emails will yield any results.


I love my press release! I found it hard to put into words everything I wanted to say about my new app and Tanya made the release polished and professional. I would recommend her to anyone!


Tanya turned the press release around in a matter of hours! Somewhere in that time she did additional background research, and the press release was stronger and more timely because of it.


Tanya is amazing, a gem. She was quick and efficient; I could not have asked for anything more for my press release. She does quality work. Everything was delivered and more, as promised. I will be using her again. She is highly recommended.


I got exactly what I was looking for with our press release. A clear concise document that we will be able to use with multiple outlets.

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