Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Write A Press Release Journalists Cannot Ignore


Press releases are a great way to get information about your business or achievement in front of your audience – and you have really awesome things to share – so why not let a seasoned, award-winning journalist help you do that? 

You should hire me because: 

I know what journalists want to see.

I know how to present your information in the most interesting, and user-friendly, way possible that also adheres to AP Style. 

You, too, understand what it's like to be a single mother making college tuition payments in an effort to help your child stay out of debt avoid student loans. (We're totally being candid here, right?)

Here's what I can do: 

If you want to issue a press release but don't know what to say, or what to focus on, I can coach you through what is most likely to be opened. 

If you already know what you want to say but need someone to write it, I can interview you and get it done. 

If you need both, I'm here for that, too! 

And I'll format your release in a way that makes it easy to send to your target audience.

Sound great? (It absolutely does!) 

Hire me and let's get this awesome release finished already! 


: : : : :

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