Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Write A Press Release That You Will Love


Hi all. Welcome to my press release Pro gig here on Fiverr.

With 20 years' experience producing PR and publicity material for use across the US, Europe and Australia, I'm an expert when it comes to writing carefully crafted, persuasive press releases that generate media coverage.

A great press release sits somewhere between art, science, marketing and journalism. 

There's a formula to press release writing which can be taught through training, practice and discipline; creativity, intelligence and inspiration are much harder to come by.

That's where I specialize.

Whether it's a short media alert to draw the world's attention to something new of value and interest.

Or a more detailed press release to explain the context and significance of more complex ideas.

I'm an expert at both.

What do you get?

  • Headline
  • Sub-headings
  • SEO-optimised copy
  • Revision(s)
  • Embedded logos, hyperlinks and imagery

With experience writing across: media, entertainment, government, automotive, technology, food & drink, events, business, finance, insurance, tourism and many more, I can turn my hand to pretty much anything.

I look forward to hearing from you.


: : : : :

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